Friday, October 30, 2009



What I am going to do for Halloween is, I am gonna put my costume on and go out trick or treating for free candy, then we are gonna go back to my house and scare kids till they pee them self’s, then when the night is over we will go home and stay up all night eating candy and drinking pop while watching scary movies all night then Sunday morning I will probably be sick which will ruin my day. We will watch all the scary movies I own then anyone’s that we like that are on TV I hope this Halloween is gonna be better than all the other ones I’ve had in the past.

My Halloween costume is gonna be Jason from Friday the 13 and Freddy vs. Jason I will have his giant machete and his sweet hockey mask then I will have his ripped up cloths then I will pop out of bushes and scare the little kids and start chasseing them like in the movies . That’s my favorite Halloween costume and my Halloween costume this year because I have seen every Friday the 13th movie so I wanna try and dress up as Jason to scare kids. Jason Is my favorite horror character because the way he kills people and the way he is dressed is sweet.

I love all candy if they don’t have penutbutter in them I mainly like Hershey and Milky Way’s. My one Nabors gives me and my bro a bag of candy because my parents are really good friends with them they give us like every candy and put like 20 bucks each in the bags. Then most of the Nabors give big candy bars out so we get a lot of good candy that we will eat all in one night. So I wanna get a lot of candy so we have it to last us all night so we can get all hyper while we watch the movies and stay up all night it will be fun.

Halloween originated from the British Isles out of the Pagan Celtic celebration of Samhainm, it’s been out as long as 5 b.c, its be leaved that spirits rose from the dead and mingled with the living on this day. In 1840s Halloween came to America during the immigration and then scattered all across the U.S. The name originally came from the word All Hallows' Evening then over years the name became Halloween.

My favorite scary movie is Friday the 13th because my favorite horror character is Jason from Friday the 13th, some of my other favorite scary movies are Halloween, and nightmare on Elm Street and those are all my favorite horror movies.

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