Friday, April 23, 2010

i beleave

Live authentically live what you love to do. Find your passion and take time out of each day to pursue your dreams. They may not come overnight but given time and persistence if you follow your heart your dreams will become reality want. The reason I picked this rule is because I like to love what I do and I don’t care what people think about it. Another reason I picked this rule because I like to live the way I live not the way people want me to live. This rule is important to me because without life u wouldn’t be here and live would be a waist if u don’t love what u do.
Let us be clear on this, hard hints do not work, strong hints do not work, obvious hints do not work, stop trying to be funny and just say it. I picked this rule because I don’t like people trying to give me hints to say something I just want them to say it. I also picked this rule because I don’t want people trying to be funny and doing hints why can’t they just say what they are gonna say instead of giving hints. I also picked this rule because some people are talking to u and give hints to the people behind u to do something.
Life spent making mistakes is not only most honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. I would rather spend my live making mistakes then spending my life doing nothing because I don’t like to waste time. I became to be leave this because I don’t like to waste my time I would rather make mistakes then waste my time sitting on the couch eating I would rather get out and do something then be lazy. So even if I do make mistakes I learn from them so I don’t become last and spend my life doing nothing so I don’t get in trouble from making the same mistake.
My momma always said life was like a box of chocolate you never know what you're gonna get. By: Forest Gump. I be leave that life come and goes but u never knows what’s gonna happen so that why I put this quote on here. I be leave that life is like a box of chocolate because in life u really don’t know what your gonna get. Life is like a surprise so u don’t know what’s gonna happen till it happened because life comes in a surprise.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.