Friday, September 18, 2009


I like to text because I can communicate with my friends and I like it easier that going online to tell them something then there not online when you can text them any time u want. I only like to text people instead of calling them because my phone is broke and I have to have it on speaker to talk to someone. Yes I do prefer to text because I can text faster and my phones broke so I can call people without having my phone on speaker.

Yes I am a regular Face Book and MySpace user I like to use them because I can communicate with my friends and family that I don’t get to see a lot. I also like to use them because I can type faster than I text and texting get annoying after awhile because my fingers start to hurt from texting. I like MySpace better because I got more friends on there I don’t see anymore because they moved away to a different state or somewhere different in Michigan that I still can talk to and keep in touch with.

Most people communicate with MySpace and Face Book because people have more friends that they can talk to then contacts in their phone because some of their friends might have a cell phone and some might not so people go on MySpace and Face Book more to talk with their friends. I ask my friends that I haven’t seen in a long time what’s new or friends that I still see a lot about sports and stuff like that. I’d rather use my phone because most of my friends have a cell phone so I can text them and I’m not home a lot because I’m always at my friends and never have time to go on MySpace and Face Book.

Yes it is easier to talk about certain things to certain people because some friends are closer to u then others so u can talk to your closer friends about personal stuff that u cant talk to about other people.

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