Tuesday, November 24, 2009


My plans for this 5 day weekend are. When I get home from school today I am gonna do my homework if I have any. Then I will go to the store and buy some pop and then go next door and pick up a pizza. Then go home eat the pizza and drink the pop and go on my Xbox for rest of the night. Then tomorrow I’m gonna wake up at 10 eat breakfast go on my Xbox till 1 and go to my friends house for rest of the day then go home eat dinner go back on my Xbox. Then I will go to bed. Then I will wake up in the morning help my parents get ready for thanksgiving load our car up, and got to my uncles for thanksgiving hangout there for most of the day eat, eat, eat, and eat some there will be turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, biscuits and butter, cranberries, and stuffing, we will eat all day and get stuffed. We will probly go home around 10ish. When we get home ill sit on my couch and watch TV for rest of the night. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I will play my Xbox, eat a lot of leftovers from thanksgiving and anything I can find to eat, and hangout will friends for the last 3 days of my break. Then Monday I will be back at school and have homework and boring teachers talking about stuff no one cares about.

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